Japanese Sword Online Museum

Aoi Art's archives, Every item is no longer available.


Menuki : Mumei(Waki Goto)

Ordering number : F15179

Menuki : (NBTHK Hozon Paper)
Mei (signature) : mumei(Unsigned)

Length 1 : 3.69cm x 1.14cm ( 1.45inches x 0.46inches)
Length 2 : 3.59cm x 1.23cm ( 1.41inches x 0.48inches)

Jidai(era) : Edo Period

Special feature:Shakudo nanakoji plate with Yumi(arrow) and koroku design engraved and inlaid with gold. Koroku is item to put arrow. The arrowhead is put down and the feather of the arrow is up. It is rare item and fun item to view.

NBTHK Hozon Paper
AOI estimation paper
In Kiri box.

Price : 48,000 JPY- (including shipping and 100% insurance fee)
