Tsuba : mumei (Den-Kanayama)
Ordering number : F15318
Tsuba : (NBTHK Hozon Paper)
Mei (signature) : mumei (Den-Kanayama)
Length : 7.43 cm x 7.43 cm ( 2.92 inches x 2.92 inches)
Thickness of rim : 0.60 cm ( 0.23 inches)
Jidai(era) : Late Muromachi period.
Special feature : On the round shape iron Tsuba, the Inome (boar’s eyes) and square are engraved.
This Tsuba is good condition.
NBTHK Hozon Paper
AOI estimation paper
In Kiri box.
Price : 150,000 JPY- (including shipping and 100% insurance fee)
