Japanese Sword Online Museum

Aoi Art's archives, Every item is no longer available.


Tsuba : Goto Kao

Ordering number : F14877

Mei (signature) : Goto Kao

Length : 7.18 cm x 6.71 cm ( 82 inches x 2.64 inches)
Thickness of rim : 0.45 cm ( 0.17 inches)
Jidai(era) : Edo period

Special feature : On mokko shape Shakudo Nanakoji tsuba, Kiku(Chrysanthemum) and Sakura flowers are engraved with gold and silver color iroe.
Mimi is Sukinokoshi style.

AOI estimation paper
In Kiri box.

Price : 95,000 JPY- (including shipping and 100% insurance fee)
